
Weight loss isn't the main goal of CrossFit, but it can happen with the right approach.
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大多数人都同意CrossFit是杀手锻炼- 所有这些单腿下蹲和盒子跳跃都会提高心律并锻炼严重的肌肉。但是,经常与散装相关的流行基于举重的锻炼也可以帮助您减肥吗?

Mike Molloy, Ph.D., owner ofM2 Performance Nutrition,,,,says absolutely! "There are many people out there who have experienced significant weight loss by using the general five-days-a-week template with CrossFit," he says.


阅读更多:11Ways to Make the Most of Your First CrossFit Workout

How WODs Lead to Weight Loss

CrossFit WODS(这是CrossFit代表“一天的锻炼”)让您燃烧卡路里,如果体重减轻是您的目标,则不一定需要进行任何修改或调整。他说:“对于想要减肥和倾斜的普通人来说,各种力量训练,有氧运动和高强度间隔训练的混合结构实际上是一个很好的组合。”

2019年发表的一项研究Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolismfound that CrossFitters burn a significant amount of calories — about 2,700 calories per week over about 5 hours and 15 minutes of exercise.研究人员说that amount of calorie burn should result in meaningful weight loss among overweight or obese populations.

Tom Baker, manager ofCrossFit SanitasCrossFit社区的活跃成员说,卡路里燃烧并不止于此。“尽管稳态有氧运动 - 例如,长期运行 - 在活动本身中燃烧更多的卡路里,但在停止时,过程停止,同时进行举重triggers a recovery responsein your body that allows it to continue to burn calories long after the work is completed," he says.

Even so, Molloy warns not to take too-narrow a view of progress. "Leaning out and losing weight are not necessarily the same thing," he says. CrossFit is an effective way to lose body fat — a 2013 study published inThe Journal of Strength and Conditioning Researchfound 10 weeks of CrossFit decreased body fat by an average of 15.5 percent when comparing pre-training and post-training levels.

As a result, you'll likely achieve a slimmer overall physique, even if the scale doesn't budge. Molloy recommends referencing measurements, before-and-after photos or even informal assessments of how your clothes fit to measure progress instead of living by the numbers on the scale.

阅读更多:17 Practical Reasons to Start Doing CrossFit

No matter what your workout routine, you can out-exercise a junk food diet.
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When weight loss is the goal, you have to pay close attention to the foods and drinks you're putting into your body. "You can train however much you want, but if your diet is generally junk, you're not going to make the kind of progress you want to make," Molloy says. "Finding the right nutritional balance is extremely important."

甚至CrossFit的官方网站都指出:“您不能超越饮食不佳”,并强调了optimizing your nutrition并定期锻炼以获得CrossFit的全部好处。


So what does is a proper approach toward nutrition? CrossFit calls for filling up on meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds. You can eat some fruit, but you should limit your starch intake andeliminate sugar altogether。You'll want to eat enough calories that you feel fueled for exercise, but not so much that your body stores the excess as fat, which can lead to weight gain.

You may have heard that CrossFit andthe Paleo dietare closely intertwined. Tons of CrossFitters go Paleo, but CrossFit headquarters has never publicly supported the diet, which promotes eating how your ancestors did and focusing on most of your diet coming from things you can find in nature, Molloy says.


The Zone Dietbreaks meals into blocks,,,,which Molloy says is essentially a simplified way of tracking macros. "Based on how much activity you're doing, you get a certain number of calories per day and those calories are broken down into blocks," he says. "These blocks are basically designed to generate [a diet filled with] 30 percent protein, 30 percent fat and 40 percent carbohydrates."


官方的CrossFit立场是跟踪食物摄入量and performance during the first four weeks. You can then tweak the diet — adding a cheat day or upping your fat intake, for instance — to see what works best for you.



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The Importance of Approaching CrossFit as a Lifestyle


Reaching and maintaining a healthy body weight means living a healthy lifestyle all day long — not just when you're in the gym or sitting down for a meal. Knocking out an hour-long WOD in the morning, for example, doesn't mean it's a good idea to spend the next eight consecutive hours sitting at a desk. Weave activity in wherever you can — a five-minute walk here, a quick stretching session there — to see the best results.

