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走在跑步机上can be a convenient, customizable workout that burns calories and boosts your fitness. But are they challenging enough to help you lose weight or give you strong, toned legs? The answer might surprise you.

Even though walking on a treadmill might seem easy, the benefits can add up. Especially when you challenge yourself by picking up the pace or adding in steeper inclines. Here's everything you need to know to get the most from your treadmill walking workouts.


They sure can be! Walking gets your heart rate up and burns calories — between30分钟内90至200卡路里,取决于您的体重和锻炼的强度。当与健康的饮食相结合时,可以帮助您实现或保持健康的体重,以及降低慢性条件的风险心脏病2型糖尿病.

You can reap those benefits whether you walk indoors or out. A May 2019 review of 34 studies published in运动药物发现在户外或跑步机上的情况下没有太大差异:在两种情况下,锻炼者的感知努力和氧气摄入量(这是他们工作的艰难的指标)几乎相同。

However, you'll need to set your treadmill incline to mimic the resistance you'd experience walking outside. Around one percent should do the trick, suggests a体育科学杂志study.

Read more:9 Ways to Make Treadmill Workouts WAY More Fun

Treadmill Walking vs. Walking Outside: Which Is Better?

两者都可以很好,但每个都有自己的独特优势。关于跑步机行走的最佳事物之一是能够控制速度和倾斜,例如Cortney Logan和Alexandra Weissner,Co早午餐跑步. If you want to set a certain pace or mimic a super steep hill, all you have to do is press a button. And of course, you never have to worry about missing a workout because of bad weather.

如果你担心伤害,跑步机散步也可能有优势。在破裂的人行道或不平坦的地面上绊倒的风险越来越少。洛杉矶的健身教练说,抚戴式表面也意味着你不太容易过度过度使用胫骨夹板或背部,臀部或膝关节疼痛,臀部或膝盖疼痛Jill Brown. "If the road you walk on has a slight slant, over time this can create a muscular imbalance from walking with one leg a little higher than the other," she says.

漫步户外有自己的津贴。你会收获心情提升在户外花时间的好处. Plus, walking from point A to point B usually means there are more interesting things to look at (and you can't just hop off when you get tired or bored). Still, it's not necessarily better than walking on a treadmill. The best place to walk is the one that offers more pros foryou.

Read more:在外面还是在跑步机上更好?这是如何决定的


Since you encounter slightly less resistance when you walk on a treadmill compared to walking outside, it's important to account for that difference. If you want to get a workout that's equally challenging or that burns the same number of calories as an outdoor walk, "set the incline to at least one percent to help simulate the resistance of a real road," Brown says.


减肥:加大强度碰到你的卡路里燃烧. That could mean walking at a faster pace, turning up the incline or both. "Increase it to the point where your heart rate speeds up and you start to breathe heavy," Brown says. For most people, that speed is between 3.5 and 4.0 mph.

Strengthen or tone your legs or butt:An incline treadmill workout will make your lower-body muscles work harder. "When you walk up a hill or incline your glutes become highly engaged," say Logan and Weissner. "This will result in a stronger butt, glutes and hamstrings." They recommend walking for three minutes at a one-percent incline, walking for two minutes at a six-percent incline, maintaining your speed, then repeating the cycle two to three more times. For an added challenge, increase the incline with each cycle.

提高整体健身水平:如果你是全新的锻炼,任何amount of treadmill walking will improve your endurance, Logan and Weissner say. Past the newbie phase? "Intervals can improve your fitness faster than going at a steady, moderate pace," Brown says. Try alternating one minute of walking at an easy pace followed by one minute at a faster pace.

A few other things to keep in mind, regardless of your goal: Stand tall and保持良好的姿势布朗说,在你的脊柱和肩膀上。并做抓住跑步机栏杆。棕色说,它可以无意中使你的脊椎(哎哟!)滴下你的脊柱(哎哟!),这意味着你燃烧更少的卡路里。

Read more:如何进行高质跑步机锻炼 - 加上,尝试25分钟的例程

30-Minute Treadmill Walking Workout for Beginners


  • 10分钟:在谈话步伐(1.0至3.0英里/小时)在0到1%倾斜时热身
  • 3 minutes:walk 1 mph over conversation pace at 0.5 to 1% incline
  • 2分钟:通过2%倾斜的谈话步伐步行2至3英里/小时
  • 3 minutes:walk 1 mph over conversation pace at 0.5 to 1% incline
  • 2分钟:通过4%倾斜的谈话步伐步行2至3英里/小时
  • 3 minutes:walk 1 mph over conversation pace at 0.5 to 1% incline
  • 2分钟:通过2%倾斜的谈话步伐步行2至3英里/小时
  • 5分钟:cool down at conversation pace (1.0 to 4.0 mph) at 0 to 1% incline
