Why the Hormone Diet Isn't Your Best Bet for Weight Loss — and What to Try Instead

The Hormone Diet restricts a variety of healthy foods that have not been shown to affect hormone levels.

When it comes to dieting for weight loss, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. That's why diets that promise personalization to your unique body, like the Hormone Diet, can seem so tempting.


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这个想法并不是完全错的 - 你的饮食最有可能是你没有失去你想要的重量的原因。但只有前往医生和一些广泛的血液测试可以确认是否有您的激素水平存在错误。即便如此,甚至不清楚你的激素究竟会影响你的体重。

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然而,激素饮食背后的原则并不是新的。它们包括剪出垃圾食品并鼓励更健康的整个食物。但饮食使得从未显示出对激素调节有任何影响的尼克斯食物,例如麸质,乳制品,花生和柑橘类水果。所有这些食物都会导致饮食的必要营养,包括B族维生素, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin E andvitamin C.

The Hormone Diet由Natasha Turner,ND可能是当涉及这种类型的饮食时最着名的。她的方法包括三步过程:

  • Step 1: Renew and Revitalize.这一步侧重于睡眠,压力和从饮食中取出某些食物两周。
  • 第2步:补充你的身体并平衡你的荷尔蒙。这一步深入营养和补充剂。
  • Step 3: Restore Strength, Vigor and Radiance.最后一步侧重于帮助你减肥和感觉更好的运动。

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Is The Hormone Diet Safe?

Aside from the initial two-week restriction, the Hormone Diet can safely be followed by healthy adults. At its heart, the diet is really a combo of the Mediterranean diet, a classic diet for diabetes and the血糖指数饮食— all rolled into one with a fancy new name.

如果你注意你的身体如何感觉,那么这种饮食就没有了。如果你开始感到迟钝,烦躁,沮丧或有副作用,如关节疼痛,头发,脱发,脆性钉子或极其干燥的皮肤,你应该把自己带到医生检查nutrient deficiencies.

Grilled salmon is an acceptable food during the first two weeks of the Hormone Diet.


前两周,你鼓励以避免d the following:

  • Caffeine
  • 花生(包括油,黄油,粉末)
  • Gluten
  • Dairy
  • 玉米
  • 土豆
  • 橘子,橘子,葡萄柚

这是一个样本日 - 前两周的样本 - 看起来像激素饮食:


  • 2 hard boiled eggs
  • 1香蕉2汤匙杏仁黄油


  • Pot Pie Soup(无麸质,无乳制品,素食主义者)
  • 花园沙拉配香醋敷料



  • 经典的Hummuswith carrot sticks and sliced cucumbers
  • 1 cup berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and/or strawberries)

Beginning week three, you can start adding these foods back in one at a time to see how your body reacts.

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U.S. News and World Report排名41减肥饮食中的激素饮食 - 不是发光的认可。由于饮食是如此限制性,并且您正在削减许多加工的食物和糖,你可能会在前两周里减肥,但这并不清楚你会失去多少或者你是否会在第一个夫妇后继续减肥周。

TheCenters for Disease Control and Preventionsuggests that healthy weight loss occurs at a rate of 1 to 2 pounds per week, which is achievable with a diet such as this. However, it is not the initial weight loss that's typically the struggle when you try a new diet — it's keeping the weight off once you start eating normally again. This is why most diets tend to fail.

Most importantly, there is no research to support the claims that the hormone diet can help you lose weight, or indeed that it has any substantial or lasting effects on your health.

阅读更多:How to Lose Weight Fast — the Healthy Way


凡好和consof the Hormone Diet


1. It promotes healthier eating habits:虽然这是一种食物限制性饮食,但它不是一种卡路里限制的饮食,而且过度限制的卡路里对减肥无效。这种饮食旨在改变您正在吃的食物类型而不是食物的数量,这在长期更健康的饮食习惯时可能会有所帮助。此外,在前两周之后,饮食对寻求更健康的饮食模式的一般饮食来说更少的限制性。专注于整个食物和切出多余的糖和超加工食品在寻找几磅时是理想的。

2.重点超越了食物:此外,饮食促进了每日包含体力活动和getting enough sleep, both of which have been shown to aid in weight loss.

Read more:睡眠的4个原因对减肥非常重要


1.它不包括一些健康的食物:One of the biggest negatives of this diet is the exclusion of some foods, while encouraging the intake of supplements and protein bars — both of which are completely unnecessary when you eat a balanced diet. If you restrict these foods for long periods of time, you could see deficiencies in important nutrients like calcium,vitamin D和b维生素。

它没有教导适当portion sizes:While the diet restricts the type of food on your plate, it doesn't offer specific guidelines when it comes to portion sizes, aka how much you're eating. If you're not monitoring your intake, you may end up overeating, which can sabotage your weight-loss goals.


虽然饮食“重置”你的激素可能不起作用,但在科学证明的饮食方面有几种选择,以帮助减肥。如果您正在寻找健康的饮食模式和可持续的东西,请尝试Mediterranean diet或者DASH diet, both of which are inclusive of all foods in moderation and emphasize a whole-food and plant-based eating pattern.

If you need more structure, look intoWW (Weight Watchers)甚至更好,访问一个registered dietitian谁可以为您提供定制和个性化的计划。

Read more:Ready to Adopt a Mediterranean Diet? Start With This 7-Day Meal Plan


没有证据表明这种饮食可以在胰岛素以外的胰岛素以外的任何激素操纵,这受饮食的严重影响。就像你无法做到的那样目标特定领域in your body for weight loss — for example, you can't只是在你的大腿上减肥 - 没有研究支持你可以通过你吃的食物“瞄准”你的激素。
