A 20-Minute Boxing-Inspired Workout You Can Do at Home Without Gloves or a Bag


毫无疑问,这部小型冠状病毒大流行已经向我们提出了很多前所未有的情况(就像所有封闭的健身房一样) - 以及天空高的压力,焦虑和挫折。有一件事可以提供帮助吗?保持活跃。特别是拳击可以是一个很大的压力缓解。

"The punching aspect of boxing helps relieve muscle tension and requires you to fully concentrate on your workout (enabling you to forget your stress and turn off from the outside world)," says汤米Duquette.,前美国国家拳击冠军和联合创始人和教练FightCamp。他指出,94%的Falgcamp用户报告在开始拳击程序后感觉越来越强调。

But what are you supposed to do if你的去拳击室is closed for the foreseeable future? Duquette has you covered. He designed the below at-home boxing workout to rev your heart rate, sculpt your arms and shred your core. It only takes 20 minutes, and you don't need a heavy bag or boxing gloves (so no excuses!).


Try This At-Home Boxing Workout — No Equipment Required

There are three parts to this workout:jump rope cardio, ab exercises and boxing combos. "A boxer or fighter's workout is a combination of cardiovascular and strength training," Duquette says. "Fighters have to be up on their feet moving around the ring for long durations of time, and jump rope is one of the best ways to build cardio endurance."

至于the ab exercises: "A strong core protects you from body punches but also ensures that you can maximize the power of your punches, because proper punching is a total-body motion that heavily engages rotational power from your core," he says.

看看我们的更多这里有20分钟的锻炼- 我们为每个人都有东西。


  • 跳绳海岸(光速度)
  • 跳绳高膝盖(适度速度)
  • Crunches
  • 腿部升降机
  • 拳击组合1:刺戳,十字架,刺戳,十字架,蔓延跳
  • 拳击combo 2: jab, cross, lead hook, rear hook, roll, roll
  • 俄罗斯曲折
  • Shoulder taps
  • 拳击组合1:刺戳,十字架,刺戳,十字架,蔓延跳
  • 拳击combo 2: jab, cross, lead hook, rear hook, roll, roll


  • Lightly skip in place over an imaginary jump rope.

Move 2: Jump Rope High Knees

  • 跳过你的想象中的绳索,速度更快,在你跳起来时朝你的胸部抬起一条膝盖。

Move 3: Crunches

  1. 躺在你的背上,双腿弯曲,脚平躺在靠近你的屁股。把双手放在头后面,肘部。
  2. 使用你的abdominal muscles,抬起头部,肩膀和上背部,在没有压制颈部进入胸部的情况下,抬起头部。
  3. Lower back down slowly and with control.


  1. Lie on your back with your hands under your tailbone for support and legs extended straight out.
  2. Keeping your knees locked, lift your legs up until they're perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Using your abs, lower your legs back down again. Focus on not letting them hit the ground, instead hovering just above it.


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your non-dominant foot a few feet in front of the other. If you're a righty, your left foot should be in front and your right foot should be behind the left and slightly to the side.
  2. Your lead hand (if you're a righty, your lead is your left) should sit at about eye level with your back arm tucked close to your body, nearly touching your ribs. Keep your rear arm along your cheekbone to protect your face.
  3. 戳:用你的铅手(作为前腿相同的一侧)直接打开,然后拉回手臂。
  4. 交叉:Punch straight out with your rear hand (same side as your rear leg), then pull the arm back in.
  5. 戳:Punch again with your lead hand.
  6. 交叉:Punch again with your rear hand.
  7. 蔓延跳:Place your hands on the ground between your feet, hop them back into a high plank, then hop them back to your hands. Stand up and jump.


"Keep your hands up, elbows in and把拳在头水平," Duquette says. "It’s important to throw the punches in a straight line from the point of origin, and it’s important to bring them back in a straight line."


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your non-dominant foot a few feet in front of the other. If you're a righty, your left foot should be in front and your right foot should be behind the left and slightly to the side.
  2. Your lead hand (if you're a righty, your lead is your left) should sit at about eye level with your back arm tucked close to your body, nearly touching your ribs. Keep your rear arm along your cheekbone to protect your face.
  3. 戳:用你的铅手(作为前腿相同)直接打开,然后拉回手臂。
  4. 交叉:Punch straight out with your rear hand (same side as your rear leg), then pull the arm back in.
  5. Lead hook:Throw your lead arm out slightly to the side of your body, then bend your elbow to a 90-degree angle as you swipe across your body. Shift your weight slightly to your lead leg.
  6. 后钩:稍微向身体侧面扔出你的后臂,然后在你身体上滑动时将肘部弯曲到90度的角度。将稍微向后移动,但保持您的重量在前腿。
  7. 滚:With your arms in a fighting stance (see step 2), bend both knees as you duck and lean to your rear leg side as if you were avoiding a punch. You'll also be leaning slightly back toward your rear leg.
  8. 滚:再次弯曲膝盖,躲在铅球上,略微向前倾斜。


Don't throw "arm punches," Duquette says. "Powerful, effective punches come from engaging the entire body and generating通过你的核心旋转力他说:“这也意味着当你扔掉每个冲击时,也意味着将你的体重转移到左边,以便最大化你的力量。


  1. Sit on the floor with your legs bent and feet off the floor. Hold your hands together at the center of your chest.
  2. 向左扭曲,让你的手随身携带,触摸(或几乎触摸)左侧地面。
  3. 通过中心回来,然后旋转到右侧,将手与您一起。
  4. 继续交替侧面。


“假装你是holding a medicine ballDuquette说,然后,将其触摸到每一侧的地板上。

Move 8: Shoulder Taps

  1. 从肩膀和身体沿着头部到高跟鞋的肩膀和身体开始,从肩膀和身体开始。
  2. Lift your right hand off the floor and tap your left shoulder.
  3. Lower your hand back down and repeat on the other side.
  4. 继续将右手交替左肩,左手向右肩部,确保臀部保持方形。

