All You Need for This 20-Minute Full-Body Workout Is a Kettlebell

图像信用:Elke Meitzel/Cultura/GettyImages


This 20-minute kettlebell workout — created byMathew Forzaglia,认证的私人教练和Forgzag Facyness的创始人NEOU App- 由三个电路组成,用一个包装amrop.(尽可能多轮)终结者。当您从锻炼身体锻炼时,请记住您的表格并享受全身燃烧。

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Circuit #1

做:30 seconds of each of the three exercises below, repeating the circuit for 3 rounds total with a 60-second rest between sets. If needed, rest for 30 seconds between exercises.

Move 1: Kettlebell Dead Clean

  1. 从脚臀部横向,脚部之间的kettlebell开始。
  2. Shoot your hips back and bend at the knees, leaning forward with your back flat.
  3. Pick up the kettlebell with your right hand and push your hips forward to return to standing.
  4. Simultaneously, clean the kettlebell, pointing your elbow down and allowing the bell to rest on the outside of your hand.
  5. Reverse the motion to bring the kettlebell back town to the ground.
  6. Repeat on the opposite side.

Move 2: Goblet Reverse Lunges

  1. 站在胸部高度的两只手中握住壶的手柄。让你的肘部刺痛,核心紧张。
  2. Step your left leg back a few feet. With weight in your right leg, bend your right knee to a 90 degree angle.
  3. 同时,弯曲膝盖,直到它悬停在地面上方。
  4. 返回站立并将双腿放回一起。
  5. 将壶铃保持在同一个位置,用右腿抬起。
  6. Continue alternating which leg steps back.

Move 3: High Plank Pull Through

  1. Begin in a forearm plank. Keep your body in a straight line from head to hips to heels, legs extended behind you.
  2. With the kettlebell just outside and slightly behind your left shoulder, grab the handle of the kettlebell with your right hand.
  3. 支撑你的核心以平衡你的左肘和脚趾。将牛特铃铛拉到右肩的外侧。
  4. 用左手重复并将壶铃拉下来。
  5. 在保持低板位置的同时右侧和左侧。


在执行此练习时,按脚跟按压脚跟以帮助维护the plank position。避免沉没或徒步臀部并保持核心支撑。

Circuit #2



  1. 开始用双手在胸部高度握住壶铃的手柄,肘部塞满了,指向下来。
  2. 用你的左腿,左边走了几英尺。
  3. Keeping the right heel rooted and right leg straight, bend the left knee to 90 degrees.
  4. Straighten the left knee and bring the legs back together.
  5. Then, repeat the lateral lunge on the right, keeping the left foot rooted.

Move 2: Kettlebell Bent-Over Rows

  1. Begin with the kettlebell on the floor between your legs, feet hip-width apart.
  2. Shoot your hips back and bend your knees slightly, keeping your back flat and neck long.
  3. Reach down with your right arm and grab the handle of the kettlebell.
  4. Row the kettlebell up to chest height, keeping the elbow close to your ribs.
  5. Pause for a moment here and extend the arm again.
  6. 做30 seconds on each arm, resting 10 seconds in between.

移动3:Kettlebell Flutter Kicks

  1. 开始躺在地上,双手握住壶铃,臂在上面延伸,略微在头部的位置,钟在你手外面休息。
  2. 将头部和肩部抬起,在整个移动过程中持有这种空心位置。
  3. Raise your legs and flutter them up and down, moving the legs vertically as high and low as possible while keeping the hollow position in your core.

Circuit #3

做:10 reps of each of the following 3 moves. Repeat the circuit for as many rounds as you can do with good form in 4 minutes, resting as needed.

Move 1: Goblet Thruster

  1. Begin holding the handles of the kettlebell at chest height, elbows tucked at your sides. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bring the hips back and squat toward the ground, bending the knees to at least 90 degrees, pushing your knees out.
  3. Reverse this motion and press through the heels to return to standing.
  4. 使用从蹲下的势头,将壶铃直接抬起头顶,将手放在同一个位置。
  5. As you bring the kettlebell back to your chest, lower into the next squat.

Move 2: Kettlebell Swings

  1. Start with the kettlebell resting on the ground between your legs.
  2. With the feet shoulder-width apart, send the hips back and bend the knees.
  3. Lean the torso forward with a flat back and grasp the kettlebell, swinging it between your legs.
  4. 使用摆动的势头,将壶铃抬到肩高。
  5. At the same time, push the hips forward and straighten the legs.
  6. As the kettlebell swings down, allow the momentum to bring the weight back between the legs and bend the knees back to the same deadlift position.



Move 3: Push-Ups

  1. Drop down to a high plank, hands under your shoulders and legs extended straight out behind you.
  2. Keeping your core tight, bend the elbows at a 45-degree angle from your ribs and lower your body toward the ground.
  3. When the chest hovers just above the floor, press into your palms and return to a high plank.