
Three ounces of squid contains 78 calories.
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你可能已经意识到吃鱼,如鲑鱼,对你的心是好的。其他类型的海鲜不是如此令人印象深刻的ω-3脂肪酸, but they can still be heart-healthy. Though it isn't rich in omega-3s, squid nutrition profile makes it a good addition to a heart-healthy diet.


Saturated Fat Stats

Watching your intake ofsaturated fat是一个聪明的举动。当你的饮食过高,饱和脂肪过高,你将自己提高高血压,高胆固醇,心脏病和中风的风险。许多类型的海鲜,包括鱿鱼,饱和脂肪可以很低,只要它被吃掉新鲜而不是油炸。一种3-ounce serving of plain squidcontains less than 1 gram of saturated fat, while thesame amount of fried squid, usually called calamari, contains about 1.6 grams of saturated fat, according to nutrient data provided by the USDA.

Some Concerns With Sodium

Plain squid does contain some sodium since it lives in the salty environment of the ocean. A 3-ounce serving of plain squid has 37 milligrams of sodium, which is slightly less than 2 percent of your daily limit of 2,300 milligrams of sodium. If the squid is deep-fried, however, the sodium content increases to 321 milligrams per 3-ounce serving, which is 14 percent of your daily limit.

If you're already on a low-sodium diet or have other risk factors, such as being over the age of 50, you should limit yourself to 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day as recommended by the一种merican Heart Association,使这些百分比更高。太多的钠提高了你的血压,让你处于心脏病发作或中风的风险较高。

Read more:4 Types of Foods a Pescatarian Can Eat

Source of Heart-Healthy Nutrients

一种3-ounce portion of plain squid supplies 209 milligrams of potassium. This is only about 4 percent of the 4,700 milligrams of potassium you need each day, but every little bit counts. Potassium encourages your heart to beat normally and helps keep your blood pressure low, theOregon State University Linus Pauling Institutereports. That same serving of squid also contains about 1 milligram of vitamin E, which is 7 percent of the 15 milligrams you need each day.

一种ccording to theNational Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements, getting plenty of vitamin E might protect against heart disease because the vitamin protects your cells and makes them less susceptible to oxidative damage damage. The fat-soluble vitamin may also reduce inflammation and help prevent the formation of blood clots.

Read more:有什么本efits of Squid Ink

Heart-Healthy Squid Preparation

To add a flavor, a boost of vitamin C and few calories,挤压柠檬汁over our cooked squid. Opt for baked, sautéed or grilled squid because it's lower in saturated fat and sodium than its fried counterparts.

一种dd squid to seafood stew, or grill it and slice it over a chef salad in place of grilled chicken or turkey. Stuff cooked squid into corn tortillas and top with tomatoes and avocado for a different spin on the usual fish taco.

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