What Are the Benefits of Drinking 64 Oz. of Water Every Day?

Make sure you are drinking enough water every day.




Four Reasons You Need Water



In extremely hot and/or humid weather, you'll find yourself sweating more, so you must raise your water intake to compensate for that. High altitudes can also contribute to dehydration.

If you enjoy充满活力的健身房锻炼或每天在街区周围跑步,在肌肉工作时,您会汗水良好。为了保持水分,请在整个运动过程中喝水。

If you're pregnant or breast feeding, you must drink more fluids to keep your body hydrated. Water is a great place to start, and your physician can provide volume recommendations that meet your body's needs.

Read more:为什么在运动后喝水?

Enjoy These Important Water Benefits


Not surprisingly, crystal-clear water also helps your body to function properly. For example, theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)notes that water provides protection for your spinal cord. Water also helps to cushion and lubricate your body's joints and regulates your internal temperature. Finally, sufficient water intake enables your body to eliminate wastes through perspiration, urination and defecation.

Read more:Does Water Help to Burn Fat?

Determine Your Daily Water Requirement

因此,随着您身体的多样化(和正在进行的)水需求,您每天应该喝多少水?您的年龄,体重,医疗问题和活动水平将有助于决定您的daily water requirements. Also, note that milk, juices, soup and other foods are partially composed of water.

According toMedlinePlus, there isn't a hard-and-fast recommendation for each adult's daily water consumption. A good ballpark figure is 64 ounces of water daily. As a comparison, the Dietary Reference Intake for adults is between91和125液盎司of water daily.

If you don't get the water you need, your body fluids won't stay in balance and you'll likely become dehydrated. Severe dehydration can contribute to life-threatening medical problems.


Let's look at several different ways to consume that 64 ounces of water. First, fill a 64-ounce container and chill it in the refrigerator. At eight different times during the day, pour yourself an 8-ounce glass of ice-cold water that hits the spot.

Or throw eight 8-ouncebottles of cold waterin your tote or daypack and head to work or off on a day trip. When you've emptied the bottles, you'll have achieved that 64-ounce consumption goal. You'll also be helping your body to stay well hydrated.

When you leave the house with your 64 ounces of water, you'll notice that it's heavier than you thought. That's not surprising, as you're carrying a hefty 4 pounds of water over your shoulder. However, here's the bright side: the bag's weight should gradually decrease as you enjoy each bottle of water.

也许您想知道64盎司如何转换为其他测量单位。具体来说,64盎司如何转化为杯子,品脱,夸脱,甚至加仑?指出,这是一项简单的任务。Saving.org. And if you're a confirmed metric fan, note that 1 liter equals 33.81 U.S. fluid ounces, states公制转换.

Read more:Benefits of Lemon Water

Follow These Hydration Tips



To boost your water intake, the CDC suggests that you choose water rather than sugar-sweetened drinks. If you're managing your weight, replace a 20-ounce sugared soda with a glass of ice-cold water and save roughly 240 calories.

