便秘和Weight Gain Are Linked, but Probably Not in the Way You Think

便秘doesn't cause weight gain, but there's a reason the two might occur together.

便秘和weight gain often go hand in hand, but does one actually cause the other? The short answer is no, but if you're spending a lot of time in the bathroomseeing the scale tick up, you should know about how these two things are connected.


What Causes Constipation?

Infrequent bowel movements, a condition commonly known as constipation, is defined as having a bowel movement fewer than three times a week, according toJohn Hopkins Medicine.

便秘通常是联系在一起的hard, dry stools that are difficult and sometimes painful to pass. If you have to strain or bear down forlonger than 10 minutes要去做二 - 是的,你很可能会议。并谨防 - 这可能导致肛门膜和痛苦的痔疮(yikes!)撕裂。



  • 低膳食纤维
  • 耗水量不足
  • 缺乏体育活动

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How Are Constipation and Weight Gain Linked?

Suffering from infrequent bowel movements does not cause weight gain, but there's definitely a connection between the two.

这是因为最常见的便秘罪魁祸首 - 水合不良,饮食差和缺乏运动 - 也会导致体重增加。这些行为减缓了你的新陈代谢并导致身体脂肪过剩,据Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"Proper nutrition is so important because it allows our bodies to be the most efficient, which means more regularity and more energy,"Casey Chapman, MD,巴顿胭脂罗贺罗霍恩&结肠炎中心的胃肠学家告诉Livestrong.com。“更多能量意味着我们可以更加活跃,又燃烧更多的卡路里。将其视为一个正反馈循环。”


1. Load Up on Fiber


"Dietary fiber helps to increase the weight and size of your stool by keeping water in the GI tract," Dr. Chapman says. "Think of it as the great mediator of stool. When it's too soft, fiber can make it more formed, and when stool is too hard it can soften it."


For reference, one medium pear contains5.5 grams of fiber,一杯碾碎管有8.2 grams of fiber.

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2. Stay Hydrated

Not drinking enough water on a daily basis can lead to dehydration, and dehydration leads to constipation.

"One of the many jobs our bodies have is to regulate the amount of water we hold onto for vital cellular processes," says Dr. Chapman. "One of the ways our bodies do this is by controlling the amount allowed in our stool."

如果你的身体不允许在你的粪便中非常多的水 - 因为它需要其他地方 - 然后你的凳子可能化,导致便秘。


"Avoiding soft drinks and even运动饮料is a good general rule of thumb, unless you are an elite athlete and need the sugar," he says.

If the taste of water doesn't thrill you, try adding fruit or opting for low- or no-calorie sparkling water.

When it comes to how much you should be drinking: "I generally recommend 64 ounces of water intake a day as the bare minimum, and half of your body weight in ounces daily as best practice," Dr. Chapman says.

Sound like a tall order? He suggests setting a specific goal for your intake and then carrying that amount of water around with you during the day, in a pre-measured container.

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3. Keep Things Moving (Literally)

People who are physically active normally don't suffer from constipation, according toHarvard Health Publishing. Good muscle tone in general helps keep you regular, as the abdominal wall muscles and the diaphragm all play a crucial role in the poop process. Weaker muscles won't be able to get the job done well.

Indeed, a study published in February 2014 inPLOS One得出结论,过于久坐的人可以减缓消化,并且可以用身体活动来预防不规则性。

根据这一点U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, adults should do at least 150 minutes of中等强度有氧运动(想:步行,骑自行车)或75分钟的高强度活动(hiit,例如,每周收获最大的健康益处。

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