We all know that there are a lot of carbohydrates in rice and potatoes. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't eat them, either if you're apprehensive about gaining weight or if you're just trying to keep to low-carb foods.
According to theMayo Clinic,碳水化合物不一定负责体重增加,特别是如果你坚持健康的碳水化合物。他们确实在营养中提供了功能。
Whether you're going for rice or potatoes, the important thing is that the carbohydrates in the potato or rice do not exceed the碳水化合物数量根据您的饮食计划,您应该每天消耗。考虑到这一点,将这两种食物纳入你的低碳水化合物饮食意味着以减少其净碳水化合物载荷的方式制备它们。
However, if you're comparing rice to a sweet potato, then there are more carbohydrates in the rice. When it comes to rice versus potatoes, it all depends on which kinds you're comparing.
According to the USDA Food Composition Databases, 100 grams of short-grain enriched白米contains 28.73 grams of carbohydrates, and 100 grams of long-grain糙米contains 25.58 grams. A small bakedrusset potato(138 grams) contains 29.59 grams of carbohydrates, and a甘薯有16.35克。
According to a November 2015 abstract published in the journal营养和营养学院那most adults aren't getting enough膳食纤维on a daily basis. The average daily consumption is about 17 grams. Meanwhile, the recommended intake is about 38 grams for men, and 25 grams for women.
膳食纤维在身体中起着许多关键作用。根据“的情况”有助于保持血糖的平衡,并使您的胆固醇水平降低,据Mayo Clinic。通过doing these two things, it makes it less likely that you're going to develop either type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease.
如果你想要很多的食物纤维,碳水化合物食品hydrates in potatoes attributable to fiber are significant, and the baked russet potato is your best choice. According to the USDA Food Composition Databases, a small baked russet potato will give you 3.2 grams of dietary fiber. A small sweet potato will give you 1.9 grams of fiber, while 100 grams of long-grain brown rice will give you just 1.6 grams. White rice, which has been processed, barely has any fiber at all, with its total fiber content less than 1 gram per serving. It should be noted that, of all the carbs in a potato, at least half of the fiber is found in the skin, so you'll lose it if you don't eat that part of the tuber.
Glycemic Index and Carbohydrate Content
When your blood sugar drops very low, you experience hunger. When your blood sugar is too high, much of that excess blood sugar will be stored in the form of fat.
这是血糖指数(GI)进入的地方。这是一种工具,可以告诉您含有碳水化合物的食物将如何影响血糖水平。该指数存在于1到100的等级,并且任何评分70或更高的东西都能够尖刺血糖水平。If you're looking for low carbohydrate foods, you'll want to go with the lower numbers on the GI.
- 梅奥诊所:“碳水化合物:碳水化合物如何适应健康的饮食”
- 美国农业部食品成分数据库:“白短谷物浓汤”
- USDA Food Composition Databases: "Long-Grain Brown Rice"
- USDA Food Composition Databases: "Baked Russet Potato"
- USDA Food Composition Databases: "Sweet Potato"
- NCBI:“营养和营养学院的立场:膳食纤维的健康影响”
- 哈佛卫生出版:“60多种食物的血糖指数”
- Mayo Clinic: "Dietary Fiber Essential for a Healthy Diet"