Interesting find I realized this morning after experiencing my 2nd ever ocular migraine aura last night. I eat very healthy and have no real medical issues so when something out of my norm happens I thoroughly analyze it. What I found is msg is a trigger for these and other migraine types, recently I've started eating a beef jerky that my laziness of not reading the label (it has msg) is most likely the cause. Thought I'd share so anyone that's experienced this would realize how much processed foods effect our entire system.
9月27日在07:17 AM
阅读更多,我最近一直在经历这些中的每一个。我的博士甚至让我进入Flonase for Face / Sinus压力,这很可能是对MSG的过敏反应,而不是怀疑的过敏反应。
冲洗,出汗,胸痛和弱点是对谷氨酸钠,或MSG,风味增强剂和许多亚洲美食的普遍成分的潜在反应。其他症状包括头痛,面部压力,嗜睡,以及脸部,背部和臂中的麻木和刺痛 -
Sep 27 at 07:27 AM
Thanks for sharing.
许多人有消息问题。 -
9月27日在08:28 AM
当我是一个年轻的青少年12-14时,我的儿子有几个眼镜,如果我记得正确......吓到了他的废话。 -
青蛙,这是我的第二个,我知道它是什么,它仍然吓到我,所以我同情他哈哈 -
9月27日在06:21 PM
Thanks for the heads up!
这是有趣的,我们的身体如何明确地告诉我们我们不需要,如果我们要注意...... -
Interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing everyone!! I've started having occasional headaches this year, never had them before. I thought it was seasonal allergies to environment, but I never thought about dietary causes as I generally eat Jerf. But this has made me think about tracking the headaches better, cause maybe it's an occasional canned product or sweetener in something that is causing it.
9月28日在04:30 AM
与我的身体一起关注并遵守调整,任何轻微或更强烈的变化可能是过去5年变得更加健康的最大的事情。当任何改变本身时,我总是先看着饮食,并且我很少需要进一步看。 -
Sep 28 at 10:00 AM
I was originally diagnosed with an ocular migraine then migraine visual aura. It's shiny in both eyes similar to lip gloss and the sunlight and even in the dark effects both eyes. I never used to get headaches with it but now I do. Been happening ever since 2011. It lasts minimum 30 mins sometimes 45 mins and up to 4 hours sometimes. It's very uncomfortable because my eyes are normally blurry, but when I have the episodes, it gives a sharp glossy shiny visual effect. It happens every other day especially when I stare at something. Does anyone experience this?
9月27日在07:10 AM