随着2007年1月1日的,我的体重170和有43%的身体脂肪。我的中期目标是,使其向“正常”的BMI和脂肪百分比的图表。对我来说,那是周围144磅,34%的脂肪。长期目标是约118磅,23.7%的脂肪。截至11月12日,2007年,我遇到了我的目标!我的体重121磅,有25.7%的身体脂肪。现在,在08年开始,我约23%的身体脂肪平均118。我感觉非常好,我要去尝试从这里走出保持117和120磅的重量。我在'08五月加入此。我约21.5%的新目标是在116和118之间,以保持并让我的身体脂肪不到21%的体脂肪平均约为116.5 - 我开始看到我的腹肌,并希望看到更多的人! I haven't updated in a long time. End of October 2009. I am fluctuating between 118 and 122 and my body fat% is hovering around 25%. So, yeah, my body fat has gone up but I feel really good and have more energy than I did when my fat% was much lower. I hasn't been easy keeping the weight off. I still have the same cravings and I have been having to exercise harder and longer for the same results so it is frustrating. But, I keep fighting and struggling.