桑杰·古普塔博士是荣获艾美奖的CNN健康、医疗和健康部门首席医疗记者。古普塔也是一名执业神经外科医生,在美国有线电视新闻网的突发医疗新闻、《美国晨报》和安德森·库珀360°的定期健康报道、周末医疗事务节目主持人医学博士桑杰·古普塔以及CNN纪录片的报道中扮演着不可或缺的角色。古普塔还为CNN.com和CNNHealth.com撰稿,共同主持特纳私人网络的“口音健康”节目,并为《时代》杂志撰写专栏。古普塔是2010年1月海地大地震发生后第一批抵达海地的记者之一。他继续定期前往海地,报道突发新闻和该国目前面临的医疗能力挑战。同样是在2010年,古普塔继续在正在进行的国会医疗改革中增加他在实际医疗经验和卫生政策分析方面的深度。2009年,古普塔在墨西哥和亚特兰大的疾控中心总部领导CNN对H1N1流感的报道。他的报道包括对可能是“零号病人”的小男孩的采访,并为迅速演变的全球流行病增加了清晰度和背景。在2008年总统竞选期间,古普塔广泛报道了各种卫生保健政策建议提出的候选人,纪录片“患者第一”和“适合”,调查人数,这个国家的最高职位需要健康的总司令,和健康的总统候选人。2006年,古普塔参与了美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)的皮博迪奖获奖新闻,报道了有关卡特里娜飓风及其后果的报道,揭露了官方有关新奥尔良慈善医院已被疏散的报道是不正确的,并披露了200多名病人在飓风登陆后在那里呆了5天。 The “Charity Hospital” reporting for Anderson Cooper 360° resulted in his 2006 News & Documentary Emmy® for Outstanding Feature Story. In 2004, Gupta was sent to Sri Lanka to cover the tsunami disaster that took more than 155,000 lives in South Asia, contributing to the 2005 Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia Award for CNN. Based in Atlanta, Gupta joined CNN in the summer of 2001 and led CNN’s reporting on anthrax following the Sept. 11 attacks in New York City. In 2003, Gupta embedded with the U.S. Navy’s "Devil Docs” medical unit and reported from Iraq and Kuwait from points along the unit's travel to Baghdad. He also provided live coverage from a desert operating room of the first operation performed during the U.S.-led war with Iraq, performing life-saving brain surgery five times himself. Gupta’s passion for inspiring Americans to lead healthier, more active lives led him to launch "New You Resolution" and later “Fit Nation,” CNN’s multi-platform grassroots anti-obesity initiatives. In 2010, “Fit Nation” follows the progress of Gupta and several CNN viewers as they inspire each other towards better fitness, culminating in triathlon events in New York and Washington, DC. In addition to his work for CNN, Gupta is a member of the staff and faculty at the Emory University School of Medicine. He is associate chief of neurosurgery at Grady Memorial Hospital and regularly performs surgery at Emory University and Grady hospitals. He is a member of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, and the Council on Foreign Relations. He serves as a diplomat of the American Board of Neurosurgery, is a certified medical investigator, and is a board member of the Lance Armstrong LiveStrong Foundation. Before joining CNN, Gupta served in separate neurosurgical fellowships at the University of Tennessee's Semmes-Murphy clinic and the University of Michigan Medical Center. In 1997, he was selected as a White House Fellow, serving as a special advisor to First Lady Hillary Clinton. Gupta is also a contributor to the newsmagazine program, “60 Minutes” and to Evening News with Katie Couric on CBS, as well as the author of two best-selling books, Chasing Life (2007) and Cheating Death (2009), both of which became companion documentaries for CNN. In 2003, Gupta was named one of PEOPLE magazine's "Sexiest Men Alive" and a "pop culture icon" by USA Today. That same year he also won the Humanitarian Award from the National Press Photographers Association. In 2004, the Atlanta Press Club named him "Journalist of the Year," and in 2009, he won both the first Health Communications Achievement Award from the American Medical Association’s Medical Communications Conference and the Mickey Leland Humanitarian Award from the National Association for Multi-ethnicity in Communications (NAMIC). Gupta received his undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan and a doctorate of medicine from the University of Michigan Medical School.