面包 - 奶酪 - 肉 - 奶酪 - 面包 - 吃
主料:1 2 4-服务的任何味道包红果冻混合。2 2 4,服务浆果蓝色果冻混合包。3. 1 4-服务柠檬果冻的包混合4.2 8-0z酷的浴盆鞭5. 4℃沸水6.图3C冰水7.草莓8.蓝莓路线:1.喷雾9" ×13"不粘烹饪喷锅的。2.煮沸4℃的水(分离成1.5 / 1.5 / 1杯基团)。3.混合1.5℃沸水,放入碗内用任何红色的两个4服务包果冻混合。混合至少2分钟。混合在1.5℃冰水成果冻。搅拌至混合。倒入9" ×13" 锅。 Chill in Refrigerator for 45 minutes. 4. Mix 1.5 C boiling water into bowl with two 4-serving packages of Berry Blue Jello mix. Blend for at least 2 minutes. Mix in 1.5 C of ice water into Jello. Stir until blended. Leave in bowl, chill in refrigerator for 45 minutes. 5. Mix 1 C boiling water into bowl with 1 4-serving package of Lemon Jello mix. Blend for at least 2 minutes. Leave in bowl, chill in refrigerator for 25 minutes. 6. Stir 1 8-0z tub of Cool Whip into the lemon Jello until smooth. Spread gently over partially set-up red Jello in 9" x 13" pan. chill in refrigerator for 10 minutes. 7. Pour thickened Berry Blue Jello on top of the lemon jello / Cool Whip layer in the 9" x 13" pan. 8. Chill for 6 hours or overnight. 9. Spread remaining tub of cool whip on top of the Berry Blue Jello layer. 10. Decorate with srawberries and blueberries to make look like an American Flag. 11. Enjoy!!