Fruits, vegetables, seeds and all the nutrient-dense plant-based foods that spring from the earth give our body a gentle nudge to do its best work. Our organs are working around the clock to fight free radicals, and our cells are constantly rejuvenating themselves to keep our bodies in tip-top shape. Among the plant-based superheroes, there are a few with a little extra cleansing power. Here are 10 foods you should incorporate into your diet to support your body's natural cleansing cycle.
Sherrie Castellano.
Sherrie a certified Health Coach, food writer and photographer based in St. Louis, MO. She writes the vegetarian, and naturally gluten-free food blog With Food + Love.
Fruits, vegetables, seeds and all the nutrient-dense plant-based foods that spring from the earth give our body a gentle nudge to do its best work. Our organs are working around the clock to fight free radicals, and our cells are constantly rejuvenating themselves to keep our bodies in tip-top shape. Among the plant-based superheroes, there are a few with a little extra cleansing power. Here are 10 foods you should incorporate into your diet to support your body's natural cleansing cycle.
Beets are a high-antioxidant root vegetable with plenty of nutrients to support your body's detoxification process. Among these is betaine, a nutrient that helps the liver eliminate toxins. Beets are also a good source of fiber, specifically pectin, which binds to heavy metals in our gut, preventing our bodies from absorbing them. Beets can be eaten both cooked and raw, and you can use the leafy green tops too, so don't throw them away. Try adding beets into you next juice or smoothie for a surprisingly colorful and delicious cleansing boost.
Beets are a high-antioxidant root vegetable with plenty of nutrients to support your body's detoxification process. Among these is betaine, a nutrient that helps the liver eliminate toxins. Beets are also a good source of fiber, specifically pectin, which binds to heavy metals in our gut, preventing our bodies from absorbing them. Beets can be eaten both cooked and raw, and you can use the leafy green tops too, so don't throw them away. Try adding beets into you next juice or smoothie for a surprisingly colorful and delicious cleansing boost.
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好的,这看起来像是一个明显的,但近一半的美国没有足够的饮酒。2013年预防慢性病问题的调查发现,43%的美国人每天喝不到四杯水。水对于通过我们的胃肠道移动浪费,允许我们的器官和肾脏的其余部分 - 完成工作。所以喝酒!虽然每个人的需求都不同,但拇指的规则是每天八个杯子。但是,您可能需要或多或少,具体取决于您的活动水平。
好的,这看起来像是一个明显的,但近一半的美国没有足够的饮酒。2013年预防慢性病问题的调查发现,43%的美国人每天喝不到四杯水。水对于通过我们的胃肠道移动浪费,允许我们的器官和肾脏的其余部分 - 完成工作。所以喝酒!虽然每个人的需求都不同,但拇指的规则是每天八个杯子。但是,您可能需要或多或少,具体取决于您的活动水平。
朝鲜蓟,一种可食用的花蕾含有胞红酒,一种刺激肝脏和胆囊的化合物 - 关键器官,以帮助您的身体排毒过程。他们也是一种益生元,这意味着它们是益生菌的食物来源 - 我们胆量中的健康细菌 - 这有助于让我们的消化顺利运行。朝鲜蓟在卡路里自然低(64次),含有丰富的纤维(每次扼流圈七克)。
朝鲜蓟,一种可食用的花蕾含有胞红酒,一种刺激肝脏和胆囊的化合物 - 关键器官,以帮助您的身体排毒过程。他们也是一种益生元,这意味着它们是益生菌的食物来源 - 我们胆量中的健康细菌 - 这有助于让我们的消化顺利运行。朝鲜蓟在卡路里自然低(64次),含有丰富的纤维(每次扼流圈七克)。
6. Lemons and Grapefruits
Incorporating a half of a grapefruit or a morning mug of warm lemon water or a into your routine promotes a more balanced internal pH. While most people assume that lemons and grapefruits are acidic, they're actually incredibly alkalizing, and alkaline foods have an incredible effect on detoxifying the liver. Like beets, lemons and grapefruits are also a source of pectin. To round them out, these citrus fruits are also high in vitamin C, a key vitamin that promotes healthy liver function.
Incorporating a half of a grapefruit or a morning mug of warm lemon water or a into your routine promotes a more balanced internal pH. While most people assume that lemons and grapefruits are acidic, they're actually incredibly alkalizing, and alkaline foods have an incredible effect on detoxifying the liver. Like beets, lemons and grapefruits are also a source of pectin. To round them out, these citrus fruits are also high in vitamin C, a key vitamin that promotes healthy liver function.
像柠檬汁一样的小麦草有助于恢复你的身体的碱度。其碱性品质有助于减少血液中的酸度,使其成为一种强大的排毒和肝保护器。它也装满了维生素C和A,钙和铁。所以拥抱你的内心健康,下降一些小麦草 - 或者把它加入冰沙。
像柠檬汁一样的小麦草有助于恢复你的身体的碱度。其碱性品质有助于减少血液中的酸度,使其成为一种强大的排毒和肝保护器。它也装满了维生素C和A,钙和铁。所以拥抱你的内心健康,下降一些小麦草 - 或者把它加入冰沙。
8. Garlic
Chia Seeds是强有力的小宝石,包装纤维和健康的ω-3脂肪酸。当他们弄湿时,他们从一个脆脆的布丁糊涂。消化后,这种纤维充足的食物通过在出路上收集毒素来清洁您的内部。Chia Seeds是通用的,可以很容易地添加到冰沙,沙拉甚至作为烤制品中的素食蛋更换。
Chia Seeds是强有力的小宝石,包装纤维和健康的ω-3脂肪酸。当他们弄湿时,他们从一个脆脆的布丁糊涂。消化后,这种纤维充足的食物通过在出路上收集毒素来清洁您的内部。Chia Seeds是通用的,可以很容易地添加到冰沙,沙拉甚至作为烤制品中的素食蛋更换。
10. Leafy Greens
这些明亮的纤维致密的植物非常适合清扫肠道。它们加载了维生素,矿物质和抗氧化剂,可以保护我们的身体免受我们经常暴露于的毒素。所以不要把那个羽衣甘蓝挂在一起,刚才晾干 - 现在它绝对仍然是在这里留下来。
这些明亮的纤维致密的植物非常适合清扫肠道。它们加载了维生素,矿物质和抗氧化剂,可以保护我们的身体免受我们经常暴露于的毒素。所以不要把那个羽衣甘蓝挂在一起,刚才晾干 - 现在它绝对仍然是在这里留下来。
What Do YOU Think?
这些食物你tried? Which are already a part of your diet? Did any surprise you? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.
这些食物你tried? Which are already a part of your diet? Did any surprise you? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.