10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Add to Your Diet


You've likely heard a lot about chronic inflammation lately and how it contributes to cellular damage, disease and premature aging. But making healthy lifestyle choices — like eating plenty of fruits, vegetables and other foods with anti-inflammatory properties — can help keep it from becoming a serious health risk.

What Is Inflammation?

报道说,每个人都需要一些炎症。Harvard Health Publishing。当您的免疫系统检测到损伤或异物(例如细菌或病毒)时,它会触发炎症反应,从而使血细胞涌入受影响的区域。这就是所谓的急性炎症,会引起发红和肿胀等症状,并有助于身体治愈和修复。

但是慢性低水平的炎症是不同的。这表明人体的免疫系统反应过度,并且与许多健康问题有关。例如,炎症会引起自身免疫性疾病类风湿关节炎患者的关节疼痛和僵硬。Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

"But even for people without autoimmune disease, there's also inflammation on a cellular level that we're not aware of on a daily basis," Black adds. "Even though we can't see or feel it, that inflammation can contribute to things like heart disease down the road."

Read more:魏尔博士的抗炎饮食如何有效 - 以及如何开始

Chronic inflammation is measured by proteins in the blood or saliva, called cytokines, that are produced when the body is in an inflammatory state. These cytokines — which include白介素6(IL-6)和C反应蛋白(CRP)— help doctors understand what's going on in the body, so they're also known as inflammatory markers.

Many things contribute to chronic inflammation, including genetics and lifestyle choices like smoking and lack of physical activity. But diet plays a large role, as well. "Processed foods, enriched flour andhydrogenated oils- 也称为反式脂肪 - 都与炎症标记的增加有关。”

"Getting these foods out of your diet, and focusing more on whole foods and plant-based foods, are some of the best things you can do," says Black.

Foods That Fight Inflammation

In that spirit, here are 10 foods that have been shown to fight inflammation in the body, along with smart ways to incorporate them into your diet.

1. Oily Fish

Fish are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of monounsaturated fat that has been shown to slow the production of inflammatory proteins, according to the克利夫兰诊所。另外,布莱克说,在饮食中增加更多的鱼可以帮助您eat less red meat,饱和脂肪含量高,可能会加剧炎症。

The美国心脏协会建议每周至少吃两次鱼。(但是,儿童和孕妇应该选择汞低落的鱼。) For the most omega-3s per serving, opt for oily or fatty fish. "Salmon is probably the most popular choice that people think of most often," says Black, "but other good options are mackerel, sardines and tuna."

Read more:7种非常适合您心脏的鱼食谱

2. Cinnamon

Using cinnamon in food or drink recipes does more than add a warming, feel-good spice; it may also increase the inflammation-fighting effects of whatever you're making.

根据日记中的2014年评论Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, cinnamon contains several chemical compounds, known as flavonoids, that have anti-inflammatory properties. And in May 2018, a small study in theJournal of the American College of Nutritionfound that women with rheumatoid arthritis who took cinnamon supplements for eight weeks experienced a greater reduction in inflammatory markers in their blood — as well as less pain and swelling — than those who took a placebo. So go ahead and sprinkle a bit of the spice onto your morning oatmeal.

Although most dairy products are not considered anti-inflammatory, yogurt may play a special role in the gut.

3. Yogurt

Dairy isn't always considered an anti-inflammatory food group. Studies have been inconsistent, as an August 2017 report in食品科学和营养的批判性评论指出:有些人发现牛奶和奶酪的消耗增加了体内炎症的标志,而其他研究表明,某些乳制品具有抗炎作用。

But yogurt — a fermented dairy product that contains live bacterial cultures — seems to be worth including in an anti-inflammatory diet. A June 2018 study in theJournal of Nutrition发现低脂酸奶有助于加强肠的衬里,这可以防止肠道中的炎症性细胞因子在高热量或高脂餐后进入血液。

TheDietary Guidelines for Americansstate that low-fat dairy products, including yogurt, can fit into a healthy eating pattern, the study authors point out — and their research supports this recommendation. But they also note that sweetened yogurt can be high in added sugar, which should be limited to no more than 10 percent of one's daily calories.

食谱:Cashew Maple Yogurt


You already know that spinach, kale and broccoli are good for you. You may not know, however, that they contain high levels of lutein — a chemicals that researchers suspect helps fight chronic inflammation in the body.

In a 2017 study in the journalAtherosclerosis, scientists looked at levels of six different plant-based compounds, called carotenoids, in the blood of patients with coronary artery disease. They found that lutien was the only one that corresponded with the inflammatory marker IL-6: The higher a person's lutien levels, the lower their IL-6 levels.

Then, the scientists collected immune cells from those patients and experimented with them in a laboratory setting. Sure enough, they found that treating the cells with lutein lowered their inflammatory activity.

Studies have not yet confirmed whether lutein from food sources (likedark leafy greens)对细胞具有相同的影响 - 但是无论如何,还有很多其他原因可以吃这些食物。布莱克说:“我们知道它们的卡路里含量很低,而且抗氧化剂的热量很高,而且如果它们也是抗炎的,那是另一个奖励。”

Read more:5 Anti-Inflammatory Breakfast Recipes to Make Mornings a Little Healthier


布莱克说,纤维含量高的食物有助于抵抗炎症,因为它们会喂养生活在肠道中的有益细菌并帮助rid the body of unhealthy cholesterol。他补充说,吃富含纤维的饮食也可以帮助您减轻体重或保持健康的体重,这也可以使炎症保持炎症。

布莱克说:“促进饮食中纤维的最佳方法之一是吃更多的全谷物,例如糙米和全麦面包和面食。”与白面包和其他精制谷物(在体内迅速分解并迅速变成糖)相比,糖会燃烧 - 全谷物需要更长的时间来消化并有助于保持血糖水平稳定。

Whole grains also contain compounds such as vitamins B and E, zinc and selenium, according to an October 2018 review inMedicine,这也可能有助于其抗炎能力。

Read more:13个强大的谷物和种子

Grapes contain resveratrol, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

6. Grapes

Red and black grapes contain resveratrol, a chemical compound that's been shown to have similar effects on cells as anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, notes the关节炎基础

But it's likely the combination of many different compounds in grapes that account for their full range of anti-inflammatory and health-boosting properties, according to a 2015 August report in theAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences。Therefore, those authors concluded, it's likely more beneficial to consume whole grapes and whole-grape products (like grape juice) than it is to take a supplement with just one isolated component.

食谱:Grape Bruschetta

7. Green Tea

The same plant,山茶花, is used to make green, black and oolong tea. The difference is in the preparation: For green tea, the leaves are only lightly steamed.

由于它的加工程度少于其他类型,因此绿茶包含更高水平的称为儿茶素的化合物,尤其是一种称为Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate或EGCG的类型。期刊上的2016年评论药物化学中的抗炎和抗过敏剂suggests that these compounds inhibit production of inflammatory compounds in the body, and may help prevent diseases (such as gingivitis and gout) caused at least in part by inflammation.

根据中等量的饮料,绿茶被认为是安全的。National Institutes of Health,但是,如果您正在考虑服用补充剂或提取物,或者每天喝大量,请务必与您的医生交谈。


根据《杂志》中的2019年评论,几项研究表明,食用生姜可以减少炎症标志物的产生。Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine。It's also been linked to a decrease in stiffness and pain for arthritis patients, as well.

Ginger has also been used throughout history to settle upset stomachs, and it may also havecardiovascular benefits。Try whole ginger or ginger extract in tea, or add it to Asian or Indian recipes for a potent, spicy kick.

食谱:Ginger Chicken Poke

Dark chocolate has been shown to lower levels of inflammation.

9. Dark Chocolate


布莱克说,获得这些有益化合物的最好方法是choose dark chocolate至少有70%的可可含量。在一项研究中,发表在International Journal of Preventive Medicinein 2018, type 2 diabetes patients who consumed small pieces of 84-percent dark chocolate every day lowered levels of inflammation in their blood more than patients who did not have daily chocolate.

10. Berries

"An anti-inflammatory diet should include lots of fruits and vegetables, and the best thing to do is to eat a wide variety," says Black. And berries should be a big part of that: Not only are these tiny fruits low in calories and high in antioxidants, but they also contain anti-inflammatory properties as well.

2017年8月的研究期刊Nutrients, for example, found that strawberry consumption at 50 grams (about a quarter cup) a day for 12 weeks reduced pain and inflammatory markers in obese adults with osteoarthritis. Although the study was small, containing only 17 patients, the authors concluded that dietary strawberries "may have significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects" on this population.
