贡献者林赛伊丽莎白MS RD CSSD是注册营养师和董事会认证专家在体育营养学拥有超过10年的精英运动营养和性能体验。林赛是所有者和上升营养帮助运动员克服创始人饮食紊乱的最高水平进行(www.RunwithLindsey.com)。林赛还与司工作1名大学运动员在当地的大学和合同与美国军方和精英特种部队。她是从5K到马拉松的距离有竞争力的选手,并热衷于利用粮食作为燃料的身体,头脑和灵魂。
www.RunwithLindsey.com). Lindsey also works with Division 1 collegiate athletes at a local university and contracts with the US Military and elite special forces units. She is a competitive runner from 5k to Marathon distances and is passionate about using food as fuel for the body, mind, and soul.">